One Step At A Time

Are you consumed by the overwhelm?

We are living such full lives, but within the element of that fullness we have to be conscious of what they (our lives) are full of. Yes, we can all make adjustment to help minimise the impact of feeding our lives with things that do not serve us, however the practicality of this is sometimes a non negotiable in the sense that we are indeed living in a western filled world with access to all areas of knowledge. 

As we are a society that strive for success and abundance in all areas, be it considered good or bad. We are filled up with many task in our home lives, working, or personal. Having such dedication to the pressures of balancing all these different facets of living the "western way" we can be consumed by that overwhelming feeling of suffocation, commitment and pressure to be perfect constantly. 

So how can we mange to strive to live full and honest lives without burning ourselves out in the process?

I believe in many skills to harness the most full place of living.
Yoga, Mediation, Breathwork, Healthy Eating to name a few. However another important tool is starting with taking one thing at a time.

We tend to always jump to the end of a task, what it will look like when we are done, how we will feel upon completion. But then get frazzled and overwhelmed with the task at hand and give up or procrastinate till we haven't time and space anymore. 

A great way to combat this feeling is by braking our task down into fragments. I like to make a list of achievements I'd like to tick off as I go in pursuing the task. These achievements can cater to a range of aspects of how you are going to get to the "finish line" 

For example, for my blog posts, such as this one I begin by allowing myself space to lend my creative brain, discover what I would like to offer to my readers. This may be by sitting in silence with a warm cup of tea or in meditation or even listening to a podcast. All these tools are stepping me into a space where I can become more conscious and achieve the outcome I have set for myself. 

Next may be dedicating an hour each day writing down on pen and paper different topics if like to share. From there I choose one that is resonating and then in turn start to type and them let it flow. 

All these little points help me achieve the goal. To publish a blog to help those create balance in their lives.

When we break things down we feel more in control of the situation or the task and then we can feel a sense of ownership over our actions to be able to achieve what we may deem impossible.

When we break things down and hold ourselves accountable to each step, this is important, let me repeat,holding ourselves accountable to the appointments we make for ourselves in stepping closer towards our end goal.

So don't look at the enormity of the task at hand or give up because it seems too ginormous to undertake. Break it down, right to the very beginning that what will help you best achieve what you have set out to do!

Balance with space for you to be creative and loving toward YOU in every moment. 

Balance by Simone x