Living The Toxic Free Life.

How To Detoxify .

We live such amazing lives, in these amazing bodies. We naturally heal. We can with-stand so much. However we can only take so much before we may find it harder and harder to heal naturally using medicine to aid this and at the detriment to many other aspects of our bodies function. 

As we live a life consumed by so many "un-natural" substances we become weaker and this can then manifest into an array of illnesses. 

So how can we help balance out the bad with the good, as so many of these "un-natural" forms are out of our control, especially when living in Western society. 

Let me open your minds to the possibility of looking at the things you are using in and around your lives and possibly coming to a more holistic approach. Helping limit the exposer to toxic chemicals surrounding you and inside you.

Cleaning products: These are easy to make yourself with simple ingredients like Lemon, Water and Vinegar just put these items into a spary bottle and there you have it, an All Purpose cleaner that does everything. If you're wanting something a little more intense for the shower and bathroom, add Bi-Carb Soda to the mix to give it some activation. 

Beauty products: My rule of thumb is if you don't know what the list of ingredients says then don't use it! Our skin is our largest organ, whatever you put on it seeps into our blood stream which runs throughout our whole body feeding our cells, do you really want Hydroxyglucobrassicin number 2334 e.c.t. making its way into your organs? It's simple and easy and there are so manybrands that use simple and organic ingredients that won't effect your immune system as your Liver, Kidneys and Adrenal Glands are constantly trying to clear away the unwanted substance. 

Fruit and Veg: I get it, we can't all buy beautiful farm fresh organic groceries. But I have trick, did you know soaking your fruit and veg in a sink of water and table spoon or so of bi-carb soda for 10 minutes can get rid of the chemicals and pesticides that are on the produce! So next time you do the grocery shop. Fill up the sink and bathe your veggies and fruit so you can feed your family a cleaner product.

Make it yourself: Whether it's a cleaning product, deodorant or spice mix, the better way is to find a natural alternative or better yet to make it yourself. It doesn't take long to google a recipe and it's a lot cheaper! However if you feel as though you are time poor here are some brands that I recommend:

INIKA ...cometics, body care, aromatherpy
OSEA...skincare, linens, towels ect
No Pong...deodorant 
Dirty Hippie...deodorant, toothpaste and brush
Seed and Sprout...packaging, cleaning, sustainable living  

Just making one or two changes can have a substantial effect on you and your families health!

Remember it's all about balance, finding ways to help live in a society that is sometimes a little obsessed with an unnatural world.

Happy De-toxifying.

BalanceBySimone x