• with a personalised practice i take the time to curate the class you wish to be present for, however, here are some offerings which i have been TRAINED and practicing for over 10 years.

  • slow flow

    A moving mediation to allow your breath, mind and body move as one. Guiding you through a sense of full awareness of your inner most being. Exploring fluidity and softness within a moving asana practice transcending you into a deeper world, which will expand off the mat.

  • YIN

    A deep practise where we discover the inner workings of the body. The deeper tissues and layers of our inner lining allow a more nurturing practice to evolve on another level. A slow, strong, deep guide into the fascia and other parts of the nerves system to calm, release and surrender.


    Power in presence. Restore allows not only the body but the mind and the soul gain truth in the stillness. A nurturing practise pared with soft props to accompany a feeling of ecstasy as we drift into another dimension allowing the body to both heal and release. Deep rest aided with guided meditation followed by a blissful Savasana.


    To still the body and allow the mind to focus. A series of meditation techniques to aid your own ability to dive deeply into a calm, present state within your being allowing for a deeper understanding of thy self and the world around.


    Allow me to take you on a journey of sensory awareness to harness and active mind and guide it to presence, then deprive the senses for a deep dive into the depths of our inner truth. Accompanied with sound scape, aromatherapy oils and a tea to end the session, this two hour long sessions are in a way an escapism from reality to build a better understanding of what reality can bring.

“Simone is a kind and nurturing teacher who holds space for you to discover your own movement and allows you to lean upon her for extra guidance and support”
— Elaine Ashurst

a little about me…

I found my love for movement of the body from a young age, this evolved to a love of performing and sent me to Melbourne to study full-time acting. After spending the next three years studying all things connecting mind and body in various ways I came across Alexander technique, a process that attempts to develop the ability to avoid unnecessary muscular tension by retraining physical movement. Through the stresses of full-time study in a highly demanding industry Yoga became a natural part of my everyday to help aid in not only a sore body but to create peace in the mind. Working, auditioning and touring Yoga took on a whole new meaning to me as a tool through all aspects of my life. Finding a deeper place of meditation through playing my instruments and singing, a more open body and mindful escape.

After ten years in the entertainment industry I found I had space for a break and decided to take my Yoga to another level, going to Byron Bay to study philosophy, asana, pranayama and mediation this really helped me come to a sense of completeness, having the ability now to share with others the magic I experience through the practise. My love for creating a mediative flow through my sequencing brings me joy in creating a full experience of escape and presence for my students. Continuing on my yoga path it took me to New York City where I continued to develop my teaching skills at Laughing Lotus. A love of mother nature, the ocean and a hunger to always learn from her and experience life at its fullest is something I endeavour to always connect to and to be of serves to all. “Don’t wait any longer. Dive in the ocean, Leave and let the sea be you” Rumi.