Presently Present

The power of the present moment can be the answer to a lot of our lives questions.

I have regularly discovered this throughout my own life's journey. 

How we take the present moment for granted as our thoughts run wild. Thinking of what should of been, what could have been or what we think should or may be. However this is never a healthy or centred way to live. But it is inherent that we tend to tread these waters, the waters of the, what if's and but's and maybe's.

I encourage you to choose to invite the present in as many aspects of your everyday as possible. To walk the path with intention and to stay in the every moment. This will enable a balance to our lives that allow for more calm and clarity.

Here are a few techniques I have learnt to help the present be an aspect of my everyday.

When you wake. Stop. Be Still. Take Deep Belly Breaths. 
Inhale for a count of four and exhale for a count of four. This will allow you to start from a grounded and present state of awareness. 

When you are doing repetitive task, repeat the action in your head.
Something like making breakfast, for example, to make toast, as you take the bread out of the package repeat it in your mind, "I am taking the bread out of the package", how does it feel, smell. Put the bread in the toaster, say it internally "I am putting the bread in the toaster". repeat with any task throughout the day, like a little reminder to yourself. This will help you stay fully present with what you are doing and let the body, nerves system and mind be balanced and content. 

Consciously eating. 
Slow down, eat and taste your food! Feel it in-between your teeth and sliding down your throat into your stomach. This will not only help you stay present but, your food digest better, your body able to work more efficiently and you'll feel less bloated and hungry. No distractions either, like have your phone or television on while eating.

Staying present is a super power we can all use to live a life of more clarity and abundance. Just these little things throughout our day will allow us to stay calmer in any stressful situation. Our immunity will be boosted and our vitality and gratitude in life amplified. 

Balance By Simone x