It's Your 2020

It's Your 2020.

Years go by. Another passes to make way for the next. But it is important to understand that the culture around New Years Resolutions and the pressure we put ourselves under to "make this year the one I loose weight" or  "I'm going to go to the Gym every day" ect ect is an unhealthy place to begin. Don't get me wrong, having goals is important, but what's more important is the steps, direction and dialogue we pair with the encouragement of achievement. 

I gave up 'New Years Resolutions' a long time ago, as I would set some unrealistic expectation for myself and then once I feel off the wagon I became so angry and depressed with myself for letting it all slip! This would become a vicious cycle, how unhealthy is that!

Balance, I believe is the key to unlocking a steady and stable practise that allows you to work towards a realistic goal without feeling disappointed. Learning how to nurture ourselves through the growth and change rather than coming from a place of anger or frustration when we ebb and flow through the challenges that arise. 

Therefore I'd like to offer you all some guidance into the next phase of your healing work.

A steady and guided program for you to follow throughout the next three months to help you set up a healthy and nurturing way of achieving a goal/goals you may like to implement into Your 2020!

A space for you to come to keep track and also be kind to yourself in times you may feel disconnected to your goal. 

If you'd like to learn more about what this workshop will entail please get in contact with me via email through as we work together through Skype sessions, online yoga,meditation, guidance and a little self journaling to enhance your 2020 journey of discovery. 

Looking forward to connecting to you all as we work together to make 2020 the year we create balance in all aspects of life.

BalanceBySimone x