Rule your device, don't let your device rule you.

Dazed by our Devices.

Ok.. Lets do it.. Lets talk all things devices.

This is a huge subject, one that I am always learning and growing from but in the last ten or so years of using and exploring what it is to have a life that is fundamentally not only supported by, but, impossible to live without this aspect of daily life, I think it is so important for us to have an open conversation and awareness towards what this actually means for us as human beings!

We are bombarded by a now tech driven society; televisions, laptops, tablets, mobile phones, computers, billboards, stereos, wifi, smart fridges, smart lights, intercom.. the list goes on and on.

But what does this mean for us, as human beings made from earth, not wires and streaming devices embedded in our DNA?

Lets begin with blue light;
All these devices emit blue light. We as humans need blue light, we get it from the sun and it allows us to feel alert, awake and gives a heightened sense of reaction. All great things for living an active and productive day! However, what happens when we are surrounded by blue light at night? Blue light through the lights in the street lamps to the lights in your house to the television screen on after dark to having your phone on you in bed at night?

Well, your body thinks its day time, producing less melatonin in the body, an active ingredient we need for a good night's sleep. 
Less sleep means the body inflames and inflammation leads to an array of mental and physical ailments.
The blue light also effects our circadian rhythm (I have more information on how sleep effects our body in my blog post, A Good Nights Sleep, so check that out if you're interested to know more about how important sleep is for us as humans).

Too much exposure to blue light can also damage light sensitive cells in the retina, the inner most point of the eye that converts light into neural signals. This causes changes that resemble those of macular degeneration, which can lead to permanent vision loss. 

I could go on about how this form of living is affecting us but my intention here isn't to scare you! More so to give you some tips on how to BALANCE this way of living.

So here is a list of things I think are important to think about implementing into your daily routine. As the devices are evolving we have to evolve with them to balance the human body with the tech body.

1. Reducing screen time: STOP SCROLLING, try and stop yourself from mindlessly scrolling through your phone, be mindful next time you jump on the train or on the couch and just stop and think: Is this scrolling really benefiting me at this moment, or am I just doing this because I am be bored? Shift your energy maybe even set a time limit of scrolling time for yourself.

2. Blue blocking glasses: These gems are great if you have to watch your fav show after the sun goes down or work/study when it is dark. There is a great company called Baxter Blue and also BLUblox that create these glasses to help filter blue light. 

3. Forest bathing: This is an ancient Japanese method called Sinrin-Yoku . Because parts of Japan are so polluted its residents started to take themselves to these huge pine plantations outside of the city, kick off their shoes and bathe in the forrest and all it benefits. Reducing stress, boosting immunity and also lowering anxiety.

4: First thing: Try not to pick up your phone first thing in the morning. Take a few deep belly breaths, open the blinds, let the sun shine in, stretch and maybe even meditate before you do so.

5: Turn notifications off: It can be so distracting having them bling up while you are getting through life so just switch them off.

6: Going old school: The next time you feel you need a distraction or you're bored and feel like picking up your phone maybe think about reading a book, getting out some cards and playing solitaire, a puzzle or a board game? Try some painting or colouring or maybe even a nice walk.

Our electronic devices are here to stay, we know this and are grateful for the opportunities they bring. However, we need to be smart about taking ownership over this external thing and rather than allowing it to control us, we need to control it! So just take your time to be more concise and aware of how you are using these things and think next time your watching television or on your phone, is this serving me? 

Balance By Simone xx