A Cup Full

The Importance Of A Full Cup.

Ever wondered why filling yourself up first is so important? Maybe you've heard people talk about it before but haven't really understood what they mean. Maybe you feel like you don't really need it. Allow me to explain why it is imperative that you implement the notion of self love/care into your every day to create a space of peace, love and mindfulness. Living a life you may never have known possible.

My Cup Runneth Over...

For many of us we feel like we never have enough time. Enough time to look after ourselves, enough time to get all the things we want to get done, done. Enough time to give everything in our lives the attention we wish to give it. When we feel this sense of overwhelm this is then reflected in our relationships with others around us and in the task we have to undertake on a day to day basis.

If we want to show up in all aspects of our lives with a sense of strength and calm we need to create this environment for ourselves first.

Taking the time out for ourselves to fill up our own cup first is imperative and so important in the way we are able to not only deal with life but also how we show up to dealing with all things.

For example, if we are not calm in our internal world , our external world isn't calm and therefore we project this mayhem to all people, things and circumstances we are dealing with. If we are feeling broken inside we then feel hopeless in our external world and therefore we feel frustrated and short tempered with all aspects of our lives.

Our outlook, what we see is up to us. But we have to give ourselves the time and space to be able to reflect upon what we may be missing or need to work on internally in order to live fruitfully externally.

So, what are these things you speak of Simone ?

Here are a list of things that I do on a regular basis to fill up my own cup so I can show up as the best version of myself I can be!

  • Waking up early: The day can get away from us quite quickly, so by starting our day with space to just be and to create a self care ritual can not only be empowering but also is essential. Even simply to just sit and reflect on how you want to show up for yourself and be the best you can be for the day.

  • Warm Lemon and Honey first thing: A cup of warm water with lemon and (organic) honey on an empty stomach is a great way to start your body in the right place. This helps to kick starting your digestive juices, reduces inflammation and helps create a ritual you can do for yourself every morning rather than running out the door with a coffee. Take a few extra moments to sip your tea honouring yourself in the process.

  • Journal: A very therapeutic practice is to journal. Just grab a book and get those thoughts out of your head. Pen to paper is a way of releasing any anxious thoughts or feelings you may be having or, simply to just give yourself the courage to tackle whatever has been a little challenging lately. It doesn't have to make sense or be legible, mine often looks like scribbles, just write and see what comes out !

  • MEDITATE!: Yes, it is a must. We need to take the time to stop the noise and journey inside to listen and breathe. To just be. It's so important to have a regular meditation practise to help us make space in the fast past world we are surrounded by. Stay tuned as I will have some recorded for you to follow very soon!

  • Move Slow: I think it is great to go to the gym or have an active exercise regime to stay fit and healthy and many find this a form of meditation for themselves however I think we can benefit more by a movement that is slow. We are living in such a fast pace environment, even most of the music we listen to these days is up beat and we are constantly aiming to be 'on' all the time. Opt for a slow flow yoga class or yin or a nice slow walk. Be gentle with yourself.

  • Abhyanga: self massage: So much of what we deem as self care is constantly outscored to someone else, to go to a day spa and get a massage or manicure/pedicure ect! I think it's much more powerful to do this for ourselves! Abhyanga is an Ayuvedivc technique of self massage using an affirmation or a positive intention. Beginning with the base of the feet all the way to the crown of your head. Moving with purpose and mindfulness of each inch of your incredible being and saying something like, you are beautiful as you massage an oil of your choice into your body. So much presence and power in giving this nurturing time to yourself. Even file and paint your nails with intention and honouring YOU.

  • Breathe: Slow deep long breaths. I get it , life is crazy but everyone, not matter where they are is able to stop and take a few nice deep breaths throughout their day to slow down, connect and send some love to ourselves!

I could go on and on, I have many more tips on my Instagram @balancebysimone so if you haven't already be sure to add me.

I think the most important thing to remember is that YOU matter. YOU are worth that extra time and YOU deserve to live a more calm, open, aware life!


Our workshops at iKOU QVB have been an amazing success and experience. So grateful for the women and men who have made the commitment to sit and soften with me. We are SOLD OUT for the next session however there are still a few spots left for Wednesday the 23rd of October. Call (02) 9264 3002 to book your place! Namaste.

Upcoming Events.

You are invited to join me at:

Monday, 14th October 2019
For a warming flow where we begin our week with a full heart. A practice creating surrender to allow leaning upon ourselves for support and love.