What's in a word?

l have been working really freely through a new breath-work technique...

that I have recently discovered and have felt so pulled to practise. I'm excited to one day share this with you all. It's been so expansive for me lately and encompasses the other lineages I use to help nurture and heal. 

The last session I undertook I shifted some deep seeded programming that I wanted to share. 

For the past several years I have been quite opposed to the word perfect. I have found it almost triggering at times and also a nothing word, a word that can make one have too higher expectation of ones self and then in turn of those around them. I thought the word was almost impossible, how can something or someone be perfect?

My negativity to the word obviously is deeply routed in my need to please everyone, be whatever they need me to be for them whilst neglecting myself completely to be this "perfect" persona to satisfy their needs and not mine. When I discovered this many, many years ago this was when I decided to abolish the word from my vocabulary.

It did not serve me. 

When I was in the mist of my breath-work session the word popped up, randomly after so many years of moving on from it. I was surprised but happy to follow the flow of this awakening and to see where it would lead me. I began to see that it wasn't the word that was the problem but my definition of the word itself that was impacting my right to live fully. For it's not just the joyful days, the loving days, the sunshine, happy days that are perfect but it's also the sad days, the dreary days, the rainy, stormy, darker days that are perfect too. It is all perfect because it is what is! 

So iIl invite you to reflect on what words you are mis- interpreting or that are creating shackles around your ankles weighing you down just by letting your learnt definition of them hold you back?

Sometimes, just a simple change of perspective can be transformative. 

From the perfect within.
