All You Need Is Love

You want to know her, but you don't take the time to get to know her.

You want to see her, but you don't take the time to see her.

You want to love her, but you don't take the time to love her.

You want to be her, but you don't take the time .

I reflected this week on the expansion of self love and where it truly comes from. I feel myself more and more these days having to find different routes to find compassion for myself throughout my days. Being brought up in a world that doesn't value a sense of reverence for oneself instead, a place of rejection and neglecting the self, it can sometimes be a default to constantly neglect our own safety with deep love.

Love is all you need isn't just a song lyric but an anthem with which we should all try to live by. Because once we love all, all loves us. 

The journey to finding this place of inner wisdom comes from our within. 

If you have a regular practise of being silent and listening to your inner most space, you may already be accustom to this dialogue with your soul. If this is proving challenging for you, please know you are not alone. Sometimes it just takes the right moment for you to discover this aspect of life. 

I was in the deepest depths of my awakening. I hit rock bottom, didn't know a way to come out of the darkness. I landed at a 6am yoga class. Hadn't eaten or slept in weeks. I could sense the teacher could feel my broken-ess, which made me feel even more vulnerable. At the end of the class we lying in savasana and he asked us to place our hands on our hearts and simple tell ourselves, I love you. My whole body began to hum, I had never, ever told myself that I loved me. Wow. I broke down. How had no one ever told me that I could love myself? This was the beginning of the truest form of me. 

So today I offer you this. Find a safe place to be still and silent. Place your hands on your heart and tell yourself, 

I love you. 

Because no one can ever take that away from you. 
