
Welcome to Within.

I am so very excited to finally share with you a little change that has been brewing for some time now. As we transition from Balanceto Within

Balance by Simonewas a name that called to me when I made the huge career change from the arts into yoga. It was firstly a passion project for me as I was finding something to help keep me inspired while out of work as an actor but also a place for me to discover the balance of life after being so depleted by my previous career. After a hiatus to reconnect to my soul, yoga and meditation wasn't just a practice anymore, it was me; it was life. 

The work to be kind and caring as I transitioned was paramount and so the word balance became such a huge part of who I was. Balancing my own health inside and out became my priority and the grace to find the balance between the fast-paced world and the softness that is yearning us to surrender was something I couldn't fight against anymore. 

The last six years of Balance by Simone has allowed me to explore the life I wish to live. I have been able to design a way of living that encourages me to thrive that needs little intervention from external stimuli, which has healed me and awarded me so much, one being becoming a mother which I wasn't sure was possible at a point in my life. 

As I transitioned into motherhood so did my world, and then as Easton birthed, so did Within. The understanding that all is within us is felt on such a deep level I cannot not share this magic anymore. The space I have created within me is more real that I could have ever imagined. The practice of being here fully is pure joy and the journey again and again back to this place is what I truly believe is my dharma in life.

To help you discover your within. 

So welcome to this truly deep place. I am here to hold you through this discovery and I am so excited to soon welcome you to my little space. An intimate setting for private one-on-one tuition as well as couple classes where we can explore the within together. And as always here from a virtual setting so no matter where you are in the world we can connect through this platform.

Welcome to Within.