Sunday Sadhana

I am so excited to introduce you to a concept I have been wanting to share for some time now... 

Sunday Sadhana is a place for you to come and find inspiration in implementing an aspect of balance into your week. For the next six weeks lets explore together different tools that can aid us in finding more comfort out of life. Each Sunday I will be sharing with you a technique that I personally use and draw upon to help life feel a little less overwhelming and a little more steady and balanced. From guided meditations, yoga practises and recipes, I will introduce, each week, a different concept for you to try on for size and see if it is something you can encourage yourself to implement more into your day, week, or even life. By having time to discover and nurture ourselves in the way of self care we can then feel less pressure to make these elements we hear all about a strict non negotiable and allow them to flow effortlessly through life. I believe that if we pressure ourselves to create demands on our schedules with must dos it can sometimes have the adverse effect and make us more anxious or stressed if we happen to miss a day or not enjoy the activity simply because it isn't the right one for us. We are all different, our bodies, minds and souls are unique and therefore there is no right answer for everyone, we have to explore and discover the element that will best serve us to live a more balanced life that cultivates ease. 

Sad.hana is a Sanskrit word meaning daily spiritual practise. It a place we can come and be with ourselves in a  way that is completely devotional to us and then in turn the world around us. By having a ritual or Sadhana as an aspect of our lives we find a deeper source of meaning and being, allowing us to thrive in more ways than we deemed possible. 

So each Sunday pop into your emails and discover a new form of ritualistic self care curated by me and we can implement this technique throughout the week. If you have any questions or are in need of a little more guidance I will be available to help and nurture your experience as much as possible. Remember this is a place for you to discover and explore in different ways of regulating our endocrine system to live a more happy and healthy life. 

I'm so excited to be on this journey with you all. 

Bring on the next six weeks. 

Balance By Simone x